The Tour de France is like the Super Bowl and the World Series combined. But, it’s not in a stadium, it’s on the road, and might even pass right in front of your house!
Everyone in France, especially in the countryside, is glued to the tv during the weeks that the tour cycles through France. Everyone knows the names of the top three riders and all of the French riders. Most Parisians use it an excuse to party, drink, spike your hair, paint your face, barbecue, etc…
For me (and probably for most), the best part about the Tour de France is when the sponsors’ entourage. They drive the route 15 – 30 minutes before the cyclists do and they throw out free samples. Everything from candy to clothes, to the cheering crowds lining the streets.
I’ve only had one chance to really see the Tour de France up close. I’m not a huge fan of biking even though it was my main form of transportation in my youth. Still, taking a velib in Paris is half the time and the quickest way to get anywhere so it’s become my preferred mode of transportation since moving into Paris. Also happy to report that according to the UN polls, Paris is in the Top Twenty Safest Cities to Ride in.
Everyone loves it. And if you are into biking, just imagine. I’m not saying you have to run behind the bikes and find a favorite cyclist to support. You don’t have to know why the teams stay together and ride slow or fast on purpose at different points. I’m saying it’s a great time to be in Paris – in addition to the food, the fashion, the incredible art and the historic sites.
And if you do come to Paris then and happen to catch the final sprint, have a drink with us on the Champs Elysées! Ask us how to bike your way through Paris, and our favorite night bike tour.
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