
Paris Travel Blog


The Best Food Market in Paris

Scratch a Parisian, and they will tell you why the food market where they shop is the best. Tourist guides also make recommendations, such as here, here and here.  Open-air food markets are an essential part of cooking and no one who wants fresh, tasty ingredients would turn to a grocery store.

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A Little Love Letter to the D’Orsay

Upon my arrival to Paris, and much to my chagrin; I had yet to “choose” my favorite Cezanne painting. In fact, and perhaps more appropriately [as per Rilke], it really hadn’t chosen me. I decided to wander D’Orsay today with no map, with only a keen eye, certainly waiting for the moment as I turned the corner and there they would be.

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How I Took the High Road in Paris

By Anne Swardson There is something extraordinary about viewing a city from 30 feet above the ground. You are at once removed from the daily struggles on the street and […]

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The Saddest Memorial in Paris

By Anne Swardson Part 2 of the series on Memorials in Paris I’ve been thinking about war a lot lately. The war in Ukraine, of course. But also, what is […]

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Sites of Remembrance We Do Not See

by Anne Swardson First of two parts I have never seen an empty space that was so moving. Six bronze figures in military uniform, five men and one woman, stand […]

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A Free and Refreshing Way to Wet Your Whistle in Paris

While visiting Paris, on your wanderings through the city, you may have passed by some of these gems in public parks, in the streets and squares throughout the neighborhoods of Paris and not have realized that they are there for you to use. Today there are 120 of these cast iron, elegant beauties, mostly colored forest green, but you will spot some in more avant-garde colors in bold red, pink, blue and yellow, located in the 13th district in the southwest of Paris…

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