
Paris Travel Blog


From Croissants to Crumpets: A Journey from Paris to London

By Leslie Kavanaugh About Leslie:  Leslie is a Senior Travel Designer and VP of Sales at AmericanConcierge.com. Although most days she is seated at her desk in the suburbs of […]

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10 things NOT to do as a tourist in Paris–Part 2

A friend of mine sent me an article on this subject back in March and I was immediately intrigued… Afterall, I own a tourist business in Paris, specializing in unique private tours, I spend a lot of time in Paris (about 3 months a year) and I’m loving every moment of this crazy lifestyle Ivan and I have created together. So, I decided to look at their suggestions and offer some of my own …

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10 Things NOT to do as a Tourist in Paris – Part 1

A friend of mine sent me an article on this subject last month (shout out to Scotty!) and I was immediately intrigued… Afterall, I own a tourist business in Paris, specializing in unique private tours, I spend a lot of time in Paris (about 3 months a year) and I’m loving every moment of this crazy lifestyle Ivan and I have created together.  So, I decided to look at their suggestions and offer some of my own … in 2 parts, one this month and another next month.  Since most of our guests arrive in the summer months, you’ll be able to soak it all in and decide for yourselves what you want your Paris stay to look like before you arrive.

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Tipping in France

If you’re planning a trip to Paris or to France – or if you’re already here and making plans for the day – you may be wondering how big a tip you’ll need to leave your waiter, taxi driver, or tour guide.
The answer is that you don’t have to tip in France, at least not in most places. And when you do tip, the way to do it may surprise you.
Here’s what you need to know about tipping in France.

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Paris, Love and the Reputation of a City

For as long as I can remember, Paris has been described, as the city of love and romance.

This reputation has been built on a social, cultural and political history, that has earnestly stoked this opinion and fanned international flames of desire, for the capital city of France.

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All of Paris Stops Here

To some people, the symbol of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. To others, it’s the Arc de Triomphe or the Louvre. To me, the symbol of Paris is a train station: The Gare du Nord, North Station. It represents everything about France’s capital city, good and bad.
It has stunning architecture.

It’s filled with art.

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